• Slow Cooker Pork Loin with Red Wine Sauce

    On Sunday, my husband and I were able to make the first meal in our All Clad slow cooker. See we got this slow cooker as a wedding gift but never actually got to use it because the insert broke:(…

  • My Cake Making Disaster

    I’ve been wanting to make this cake for a couple months now. I first heard about it from Rick Bayless twitter page. The cake sounded amazing so amazing that I even went out and bought all the supplies. Well, the…

  • Veggie Noodle Bowl

    My house was void of many essential items so Patrick and I headed to the grocery store first thing this morning. Nothing to exciting was purchased but I did discover my local grocery is now carrying Chobani yogurt! Once we…

  • Roasted Spicy Broccoli

    I just realized I never told how to make the Spicy Broccoli from the 5 course meal I cooked for my husband. I must share because this recipe is a gift from the veggie gods! I say this because my…

  • Cocktails make cleaning fun!

    Sunday was a much more productive day than Saturday. I did a bunch of laundry, washed dishes, cleaned out some cabinets, walked the dogs, cooked dinner and packed my work bags for the week. I feel so accomplished, I just…