Junk Food Hangover
December 6, 2009
Well, yesterday was a junk food fest. When I eat a ton of junk food it leaves me feeling blah. No energy, stomach ache and complete laziness. Good thing I got a ton of errands and house work done before all the junk got in my belly!
Today will be the opposite of yesterday. I absolutely need vegetables today and I do believe a salad is in my near future.

Right now I’m sipping on a Caribou ho ho white chocolate peppermint latte. Of course I ordered it with skim milk and no whip, it is supper good!

I have a lot I would like to accomplish today. Here is a look at my Sunday to do list:
- Clean Kitchen
- Clean Bathroom
- Laundry
- Put up Christmas Decorations (hopefully it will be today’s holiday post)
Well, I better get going!
Holiday Photo - December 5, 2009
The Best Sunday!
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One Comment
I feel the same way after a junk-y day. But you have to have one every once in a while 😉