What is it Wednesday? – Greek Yogurt

What it looks like?

What is it?

Greek yogurt is a yogurt which has been strained using a cloth, paper bag or filter. This process is done to remove the whey as well as giving the yogurt a thicker consistency.

Health benefits?

Greek yogurt has about double as much protein as traditional American yogurt. It contains probiotics and is a good source of calcium. It’s also lower in sugar and carbs than traditional yogurt.

How to use it?

I usually eat mine straight up, topped with granola!  It’s so good and a great breakfast because it keeps me full until lunch rolls around.

I’ve seen people use Greek yogurt in place of mayo and sour cream in recipes.  I have yet to test this out but I’m sure it works great.

It’s also good to use as a base for smoothies.

VC&C thoughts:

I had never really liked yogurt until I tried Greek yogurt.  I liked Greek yogurt from the first time I tore off a Chobani (my favorite) foil wrapper.  I enjoy the thicker texture of Greek yogurt than that of the traditional stuff.

For me, one of the big advantages of Greek yogurt is the high protein.  I have problems getting enough protein in my diet so this works great for me!

Like I mentioned above I usually eat mine for breakfast topped with granola and it’s oh-so-good!


How do you use Greek yogurt?  What brand is your favorite?

Disclaimer: I must say I’m not a registered dietitian. This post is based on my own personal knowledge, opinions and research.


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