• Road Trip!

    A normal Saturday for me is waking up early to take the dogs out to “do their business”. Come inside watch a little TV and than take a nap. Wake up again and with the help of my husband decide…

  • Caffeine and Pizza!!!

    This morning started off unlike any morning I can remember in recent history. My husband and I were up early enough to enjoy a cup of coffee at home before going to the office! Who knew this was even possible,…

  • Saturday of Good Eats!

    I really do love the weekends. I know I’ve said that about a billion times but it is SO true. I wish everyday could be a Saturday! Breakfast Some vanilla granola: Yummy strawberries: Added to some Chobani yogurt: All the…

  • Weekend Activities: Thunder Storms and Celtic Fest!

    I was having a ton of fun with my camera this weekend so this post is going to be picture heavy. Friday started off with a thunder storm that drove the dogs to their favorite hideout, under the chair:  …

  • Dog Scare and the Male Brain

    Thursday morning started off with a scary situation. My husband bought our dog a new collar (a Michigan, Go Blue! collar), well the collar wasn’t tight enough. Solera managed to slip out of the collar and run free. Good thing…