Happy Birthday Cappy!!!
Today is first – Cappy’s birthday and second – Valentines day.
Cappy turned 10 years old today! It feels like I just adopted him yesterday.
My little dog is a foodie just like his mom. This dog is all about treats instead of toys!
He started off his birthday celebration with one of his favorites, a Bully Stick:
Next up on the birthday boys treat list was a Kong filled with frozen peanut butter. Cappy used to love these when he was little. It’s probably been over 3 years since he’s enjoyed this PB treat.
No worries, he knew exactly what to do with the Kong when it was in his possession. It’s like riding a bike!
I think he had one heck of a Foodie dog birthday 😀
Just like a human who has had too much food, Cappy is laying on the couch sleeping soundly. So cute, I just love him to pieces!
Happy Birthday Cappy!!!
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Allison @ PickyEatingRD
aww your dog is so cute!! Our dog is obsessed with his kong especially when food is put inside. Surprisingly though he didn’t like it when we put peanut butter inside. I just stumbled across your blog so glad I did! Can’t wait to read more!
Thanks for stopping by! My dogs both loved the peanut butter filling. I’ve never tried anything else in the Kongs but I’m sure my pups would go for any type of food 🙂
emily (a nutritionist eats)
Those darn kongs!! We were pet sitting a chocolate lab and he shredded one of those kongs. Plastic. All. Over!!!
Oh no, what a mess!
I was pretty impressed when my little 20 pound dog managed to bite a couple Kong’s in half. However, shredding one of those things is very impressive 😉
Courtney @ The Granola Chronicles
Aw, so cute! Happy (belated) Birthday to Cappy! 🙂
Cappy thanks you very much! 🙂