• What is it Wednesday? – Protein Powder

    What it looks like? What is it? Daily protein intake is essential for a human body because that is what muscles and tissues are built from and there is no place that the body can store extra protein.  Protein powders…

  • What is it Wednesday? – Chia Seeds

    What it looks like? What is it? Chia seeds are harvested from the Salvia Hispanica plant which is a type of sage in the Mint family.  It mostly grows in southern Mexico.  They are also loaded with nutrients! It is…

  • What is it Wednesday? – Greek Yogurt

    What it looks like? What is it? Greek yogurt is a yogurt which has been strained using a cloth, paper bag or filter. This process is done to remove the whey as well as giving the yogurt a thicker consistency.…

  • What is it Wednesday? – Lentils

    What it looks like? What is it? Lentils are legumes (plants whose seeds develop inside pods). They are believed to be originated in the Near East. Lentils are a very nutritious food. The only legumes (including beans) that are higher…

  • What is it Wednesday? – White Pepper

    What it looks like? (Picture to come) What is it? Comes from same plant as black pepper where it is left on the vine to fully ripen. Once the outer skin is rubbed off, the gray peppercorn underneath is left…