• Time Flies When Your Old

    I remember when I was younger the days seemed to move so slow. On one specific occasion, when I was about 9, I remember trying to make myself fall asleep so time would fly by. See, I had 2 days…

  • No Shame

    Monday mornings are always tough mornings for me.  Having to wake up early and start a busy work week can be difficult. I thought everyone disliked Monday’s but I was wrong.  This little guy was up bright and early and…

  • Movie Night – Due Date

    Saturday night was movie night in my household.  The flick of the night was Due Date staring Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. I didn’t have any expectations for this movie.  Actually I did, I thought this was going to…

  • DSLR Alive!

    Patrick and I headed downtown, on Saturday afternoon, to go to Ritz to get our camera checked out.  (check out this post to see what happened to the camera)  I’m very happy to report the camera body is in perfect…

  • DSLR Down

    Those of you who have been reading my blog for a little while may notice a change in my pictures.  I’ve had to go back to using my point and shoot during the last week.  My DSLR is out of…